As When we purchase a Refrigerator/mobile phone we have a manual with it. If we operate the it according to manual, It goes well. Similarly Bhagwad Geeta is manual of our Life. If we follow the sayings of God through Bhagwad Geeta, All goes well in our lives also. Bhagwad Geeta has got Fundamentals of our lives.
It is said that Bhagwad Geeta has got all answers of each and every person on this earth irrespective of any caste or religion. Bhagwad Geeta is success, leadership, motivational manual. Each and every person faces bad circumstances in his/her Life. This book shows right direction in bad times.
This book is all about questioning and answering. Arjuna is asking questions from Lord on our behlf and Lord is answering them. Lord Krishna gave positive will power to Arjuna to fight back and achieve his goals. The knowledge of this book is timeless.Whenever you follow the principles of Bhagwad Geeta you will always achieve success. Bhagwad Geeta has got knowledge, principle, value, integrity,character, morality and guidance. Following principles of Bhagwad Geeta any success can be achieved.
It is said that Bhagwad Geeta has got all answers of each and every person on this earth irrespective of any caste or religion. Bhagwad Geeta is success, leadership, motivational manual. Each and every person faces bad circumstances in his/her Life. This book shows right direction in bad times.
This book is all about questioning and answering. Arjuna is asking questions from Lord on our behlf and Lord is answering them. Lord Krishna gave positive will power to Arjuna to fight back and achieve his goals. The knowledge of this book is timeless.Whenever you follow the principles of Bhagwad Geeta you will always achieve success. Bhagwad Geeta has got knowledge, principle, value, integrity,character, morality and guidance. Following principles of Bhagwad Geeta any success can be achieved.
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